What is a legacy?
A legacy is a means of leaving money or property in a will to a cherished cause.
Why should I make a legacy to St Thomas the Apostle?
If you and your family have been members of the community of St Thomas the Apostle for many years or indeed, have only recently discovered the special welcoming atmosphere that our parish generates, you may like to contribute to ensuring that is available for future generations. As a Parish we are entirely self-funded and rely totally on our parishioners for our continued existance. We rely on the ever constant generosity of the Parish and donations and legacies form an importance backbone in our planning for the future.
But I haven’t got a will?
Well, in a nutshell whatever your financial standing or family situation you should do something about it as soon as possible. It really does make a lot of sense to have a current will! If you do not have a will then whatever you leave will be divided according to the letter of the law and not necessarily how you would have liked it. In addition any funds you leave could be tied up for many months, even years, in probate before they are released.
How do I go about getting a will?
Simply contact your solicitor, your bank manager, or your financial adviser for help.
I’d like to make a legacy but I’m not sure what I want to or can afford to give to the Parish?
There are various types of legacies you can make, the two most common are….
a) Residual Bequest – The Parish receives whatever is left over when all other gifts have been made from your estate.
b) Pecuniary Bequest – The Parish received a stated cash sum you have written into your will.
Above all please note, you are perfectly entitled to change your legacy, or remove it, whenever you want. This flexibility means you can decide at any time how much you wish to give as a legacy as your personal circumstances change, for example the addition of children or grand-children to your family.