Children’s Liturgy of the Word
“The future starts today, not tomorrow”. Pope John Paul II
To help the smaller children in our parish understand the Gospel we have a Children’s Liturgy of The Word most Sundays during the 10.30am Mass.
What we do?
We read the same Gospel as the “grown-ups” are listening to but from the Children’s Lectionary so that it is easier for them to follow. We then talk about the themes and messages it raises. After that we have some sort of activity to help reinforce the message – it might be a game, a song or some colouring in. We often make posters/banners to display in the church for example.
We also aim to use the time to give some instruction in what happens at Mass and in how the children can and should participate.
This can range from simply reinforcing the learning of the prayers we all share, such as the Our Father, explaining what things on the altar are called, through to talking about who the people are in our parish community and how the church family is built up. We have also used special times in the church’s year to talk about wider issues such as Justice and Peace.
First and foremost however this is part of the Mass, not a Sunday school or crèche. We take the children out just after Mass has started and come back around the time of the offertory. We can not look after children during the rest of Mass so (bearing in mind that the church can be quite full on a Sunday morning), please make sure your children know where you are sitting so that they can find you easily when we come back in.
The Liturgy is aimed at children of 3-7yrs old. If your child is younger then do please feel free to bring them but can we ask that you stay with them. Your child is welcome to come along if they are older too but remember that the activities are pitched at a lower age group.
Thank you.