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TELEPHONE: 020 7639 3724


Parish Priest: Fr Raymond Abuga,MSP


Welcome to our Parish website

We hope you will be able to access the information you need;

if not, do please, email ( or telephone us. 020 7639 3724



18th October 2024


First Holy Communion: First lesson with children only on Saturday 26th October in the church at 11am. Parents to drop their children in the church by 10.45am.


Morning Mass Friday 25th October: There will be no morning mass in the Parish as Fr Raymond will be celebrating mass in St Thomas the Apostle College.


November All Souls: In the month of November, we remember to pray for those we loved and have gone to rest in peace. There are envelopes for All Souls. Please note the names of all loved family members and put the list in the envelope. It’s recommended you make a donation for all the masses throughout November. Return your envelope in the box provided in front of the Altar.


First Friday Mass: Wil be on Friday 1st November. Evening begins with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 6pm followed by Mass at 7pm and anointing of the sick.


All Saints: Friday 1st November. There will be two masses at 9.30am and 7pm.


Friends of Jesus: Next mass and meeting Sunday 3rd November after the 10.30am mass in the Damien Hall.


Finance Council Meeting: There will be a Finance Council Meeting on Sunday 10th November after the 10.30am mass in the Presbytery.


Tabletop Sale: Saturday 9th November 2024 Time: 1pm -5pm. If you would like to hire a table, please contact Tracy on 07864936251. The hall will be available from 12pm for participants to set up.


Parish Renewal Group: Renewal Group meet every Monday & Friday from 8pm – 9pm on zoom to discuss the scripture and help each other grow in their faith. Parishioners are welcome to join.

Zoom link:  Password: Kad20


Please support us where possible: donate online through our donate button at the TOP of our website (by card or PayPal). There is also an option to set up a monthly standing order or we have contactless card/phone readers in the church. Our bank details are: RCAS Nunhead, NatWest, A/C 95248463, sort code 60-16-16



Book our  Church Hall, equipped with kitchen, Bar and other facilities, clean & neat for a full day or per hourly program. It’s a lovely space that can hold 150- 180 people for various functions, celebrations, meetings, receptions, etc. Available from Monday to Saturday.   Contact us:  020 7639 3724.


For more information, please click the link to the Newsletter







Welcome To St Thomas the Apostle RC Church

St. Thomas the Apostle: Sharing God’s Gifts in Love and Service.


Parish Team

Take a look at our all members of our parish team

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Help the Church

There are many ways to help the on!

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Parish Pastorial Council

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The Church first opened for Sunday Mass on 5th November 1905. The Original site was a blacksmith's forge in Hollydale Road.

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Our Order

The Missionary Society of St. Paul is a Roman Catholic Society of Apostolic Life which began as an idea in the mind of its founder, the late Dominic Cardinal Ekandem.

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There are seven sacraments; Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion), Penance (Confession), Anointing the Sick, Holy Orders and Matrimony.

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