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Parish Priest: Fr Raymond Abuga,MSP
Welcome to our Parish website
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if not, do please, email ( or telephone us. 020 7639 3724
20th September 2024
Mass Count: The church’s national mass count starts today and for the next three weekends. We need volunteers to do the count at each mass.
Night Vigil: We are hosting a half night vigil of prayers and songs by the Ghanaian Catholic Chaplaincy in our Parish on Friday 27th September. The programme starts from 7.30pm – 11pm. All are welcome to attend.
Damien Hall Project: Following feedback from our Parishioners and hall users we want to review our current buildings and facilities. We believe that by understanding properly how our building is used we will be able to make some changes to it which will make it an even better place to be. Please click on the link below to fill out a short survey.
Mission Appeal: The Holy Ghost Fathers (The Spiritans) at all masses on Sunday 29th September. We will be welcoming Fr Oliver Ugwu on behalf of The Spiritans.
First Friday Mass: Is on Friday 4th October. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at 6pm. Mass and anointing of the sick at 7pm.
Annual Diocesan Day for Catechists: Will be on Saturday 28th September at Amigo Hall from 10am to 4pm. Catechists are invited to register themselves on the website and make their choice of workshops –
Called to Holiness: Day of Retreat for Readers & Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist will take place on Saturday 26th October at Bishop Thomas Grant School, Streatham. All participants are encouraged to register, and the deadline is the 30th of September.
First Holy Communion 2024/2025: See Fr Raymond to request a form for Children in year 3, 7 years and above. Closing date for submission of application forms is Sunday 29th September.
Parish Renewal Group: Renewal Group meet every Monday & Friday from 8pm – 9pm on zoom to discuss the scripture and help each other grow in their faith. Parishioners are welcome to join.
Zoom link: Password: Kad20
Please support us where possible: donate online through our donate button at the TOP of our website (by card or PayPal). There is also an option to set up a monthly standing order or we have contactless card/phone readers in the church. Our bank details are: RCAS Nunhead, NatWest, A/C 95248463, sort code 60-16-16
Book our Church Hall, equipped with kitchen, Bar and other facilities, clean & neat for a full day or per hourly program. It’s a lovely space that can hold 150- 180 people for various functions, celebrations, meetings, receptions, etc. Available from Monday to Saturday. Contact us: 020 7639 3724.
For more information, please click the link to the Newsletter