81 Evelina Road, Nunhead, SE15 3HL
Tel: 020-7639-3724. Email: nunhead@rcaos.org.uk
Parish Priest: Rev Fr. Raymond Abuga, MSP (nunhead@rcaos.org.uk)
Parish Secretary: Julian Prospere
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Fela Oduntan
Motto: St. Thomas the Apostle: Sharing God’s Gifts in Love and Service.
WEEKEND MASS - Sunday: 9.00am, 10.30am & 2.00pm (Spanish)
WEEKDAY MASS - Wednesday - Friday: 9.30am - 10.00am
WEDDINGS: By appointment with the Parish Priest (six months’ notice is required).
FUNERAL: By arrangement – contact the Parish Priest.
BAPTISM OF CHILDREN: Last Saturday of the month
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday after 10am and by arrangement
VISITATION TO THE SICK: Friday after Morning Mass and by arrangement
This is St. Thomas the Apostle Parish. A Warm Welcome to our Visitors, Friends and Parishioners worshipping with us today! We are happy to have you with us. Help us keep our Vision and Mission alive and do join us in the Hall for refreshment after the 9am & 10.30am Mass. Holy Shop in the Hallway.
Support St Thomas the Apostle Church Today. DONA is an online portal that allows cashless transfers using your credit card. A Dona machine can be found in the entrance of the church. You simply place your card on the machine to donate. Donate online by clicking the button below.
Please note that by Gift Aiding your donation you increase the value of it by 25% at no cost to you. (In order for us to claim Gift Aid you must be a UK taxpayer.)
Using the details below:
Bank Name: RCAS Nunhead
Sort Code: 60-16-16 (Natwest)
Account Number: 95248463
Please use your last name and initial as a reference, and, if you have one, don’t forget to include your Gift Aid number in the reference too.
Tuesday 24th December 2024
Christmas Eve (Vigil Mass): Carols 9pm
Mass 10pm
Wednesday 25th December 2024
Christmas Day
The Nativity of The Lord Masses 9am & 10.30am
Tuesday 31st December 2024
End of Year Mass Choruses 9pm
Mass 10pm
Wednesday 1st January 2025
New Year Mass
Mary, The Holy Mother of God 10.00am
23rd December 2024
Electric & Electronic Votive Candle: Stand cost £1895. Anyone wanting to donate can use the Dona machine in the hallway or via bank transfer. Our bank details are: RCAS Nunhead, NatWest, A/C 95248463, sort code 60-16-16.
Boxing Day 26th December: There is no morning mass in the Parish.
First Holy Communion & RCIA: Next First Holy Communion & RCIA will be on Saturday 11th January at 11am in the Damien Hall and Chapel respectively.
MSP Silver Jubilee: The Missionary Society of St Paul UK Region invites all Parishioners to their 25 years of presence in the UK (2000 – 2025) celebrating with mass at 6.30pm on Friday 14th February at St George’s Cathedral. St Thomas the Apostle Parish has been assigned to bring offertory to the Altar on the day.
Ghanaian Catholic Association Christmas Party: In the Damien Hall on Saturday 28th December from 1pm to 9pm.
Parish Year Planner 2025: All Church Groups/Associations intending to use the Church and Parish Hall in 2025 should send their programs to the parish office to enable us to prepare the 2025 Planner.
Parish Renewal Group: Renewal Group meet every Monday & Friday from 8pm – 9pm on zoom to discuss the scripture and help each other grow in their faith. Parishioners are welcome to join.
Zoom link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2428964368 Password: Kad20
Please pray for the Sick and Housebound in our parish.
Pray for the dead: especially those who died recently in our Parish: David Smith, Veronica Frederick, Rodolfo Natividad, Earl Hector, Yvonne Clarke, Violet McQueen, and those whose anniversary is this week: Vincent Rooney, Jovito Athaide, Comfort Timothy - Lupembe, Frances Ricketts, Helen Vidovic, Harry Mills, Baby Kaitlyn Luncuk - Craughwell, Henry Southern, Gerard Maguire, Noel Woods, Sandra Griffiths, Christine Omania, Joseph Cahill, Maurice Fitzgerald, Thomas O'Dowd, Lily Mulraine, Stanislas Noel, Alice Doran, Margaret Blake, Mary Cleary, Steve Navarez-Jara, Nellie Langtry, Carol Anne Mitchell, Eileen Speller, Patrick Archer, Dennis Scally, Paula Harmer, Rita Rainey, Antella Blake, Teresa John.
Book our Church Hall, equipped with kitchen, Bar and other facilities, clean & neat for a full day or per hourly program. It’s a lovely space that can hold 150- 180 people for various functions, celebrations, meetings, receptions, etc. Available from Monday to Saturday. Contact us: 020 7639 3724.
Our Vision: To be a Catholic Community that seeks to meet the Pastoral needs of all our Parishioners.
Mission Statement: We are a diverse, welcoming and lively community that strives to be caring and listening to all through our active participation in the sharing of God’s gifts.
Motto: St. Thomas the Apostle: Sharing God’s Gifts in Love and Service.
Parish Prayer:
God our Father and Creator of the human family, pour out your Spirit on the people of this Parish and grant us generous hearts, faithfulness to your word and a new vision of your glory, as we seek to build a welcoming, lively and caring community. Bless us with greater unity in worship and a new consecration to your service that your love may grow among us. Forgive us all our sins and let this parish be a family where healing, pardon and goodness flow for all, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. Holy Mary Mother of God: Pray for us. St Thomas the Apostle: Pray for us. May the souls of our departed parishioners and all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
Children of Abraham / Parish Prayer
The Lord said to Abraham. 'Look up at the sky and count the stars if you can. I will shower blessings on you, and your descendants will be as numerous as the stars of the heavens...'{Genesis}
PARISH ANTHEM Children of Abraham –
1. Like the stars in the sky, we are numbered in the billions,
Like the dust from the ground
we are part of the earth.
We have journeyed in faith,
we are Abraham's children,
From Abraham's lands and the place of our birth.
Far apart and yet together,
each one going their own way.
We are strangers to each other, in our journeys in faith.
Once apart, but now together, we have journeyed so far.
Here we are, no longer strangers, we are children of Abraham,
countless like the stars.
2. Through storm, fire, and flood,
we have journeyed to be here.
We were exiles and strangers in a strange land.
And through unrest and strife,
civil war and oppression.
We are brought safely through by your guiding hand.
3. We have worked in the schools,
we have laboured in the factories,
We have toiled in hotels.
we have worked in the fields.
We have swept up the streets.
we have cooked in the kitchens,
We have cared for the sick,
we have nurtured the young
4. We have journeyed in faith,
throughout the generations.
Over millions of miles,
and thousands of years.
We have travelled it seems,
to a husband destinations.
And our journey in faith has today brought us here.
Father, pour out your spirit on the people of this parish.
Grant us generous hearts, faithfulness to your word.
May we worship as one, consecrated to your service
sharing God’s gifts in love, sharing God’s gifts with all
CHORUS: Teach us pardon and forgiveness, how to listen and to heal.
Unified, a parish family, where your goodness will flow
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we will be a church that cares,
With a vision of your glory.
Father help our community shine just like the stars.
Parish Office/Administration – 020 7639 3724. Hall Enquiries - 020 7639 3724. First Communion – 020 7639 3724.
Baptism – 020 7639 3724. Knights of St. Columba – 07834 117416